Nudist beach Twaalfmorgen, Reeuwijk

There is little parking available near the beach. The best option is to park in Goudse Hout, approximately 3400 meters away. Tip: take your bicycle with you if necessary. If the parking lot is full, you can also park in a suburb of Gouda.
Parking in a residential area of Gouda (look at the route page at P2) Via the railway tunnel, you will quickly be outside the city again.
On the Twaalfmorgen, where the nudist beach is located, car traffic is not allowed on Saturdays and Sundays from 12 noon to 6 pm.
The narrow roads in the lake area are less suitable for car traffic.
The (only) access to the Twaalfmorgen recreational area.
About 800 meters further on there is a small unpaved car park, near a picnic area.
Recreation area Twaalf Morgen, follow the path. View
here the information board.
The day harbour, there is also a toilet here.
The beginning of the nudist beach, with the sign with the
rules of conduct .
The nudist beach.
The beach consists of a narrow sunbathing lawn on the water.
The nudist beach.
The nudist beach.
The back field on the nudist beach. There is also a rubbish bin here. There is also a staircase at the water's edge to easily reach the swimming water.
Sunbathing on the back field.
The shelf, with the (vertical) steps.
The entry point seen from the water.
The other access to the bathing water is via a narrow jetty.
There is also a (vertical) staircase here.