Nudist beach Lickebaertbos
Last visited 01-06-2019
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not suitable for the disabled | | |

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The recreation area Lickebaertbos is located between Maassluis and Vlaardingen, on the Nieuwe Waterweg. It is an area of about 50 hectares. The forest is also known as Oeverbos. Nudist recreation is allowed on a very small part on the east side. The area is signposted (already stolen). For the route description, see the
route page.
In 2014, the beach was closed for a while due to the construction of Eneco heat transport pipeline. The route of the heat transport pipeline ran exactly over the beach, so that the site
was completely overhauled.
The nudist beach was closed in 2017 and 2018 due to the remediation of the soil and the construction of the Oeverbos. In 1970, the Oeverbos was built on highly polluted dredging sludge from the port of Rotterdam. The top layer of 1 meter has been excavated and re-applied. The living layer is separated from the contaminated subsoil by means of a clay layer. Almost all current planting has been removed and the area has been completely redesigned. The western part of the Oeverbos will be used until 2024 as a construction site for the construction of the
Blankenburgtunnel. The eastern part, which also contains the nudist beach, will be accessible again from 2019.
The nudist beach is about the same place as before. All the bushes are gone. Ten free-standing trees have been planted, which will eventually provide shade. A small strip of tree shrubs has also been planted. From the cycle path along the Nieuwe Waterweg there is a view of the front part of the nudist beach.
The nudist beach, as one of the few naturist areas, has no bathing water.
The nudist beach consists only of a small sunbathing area. There are no facilities on the nudist beach. From the nudist beach there is a beautiful view over the Nieuwe Waterweg.
Two windmills have also been placed close to the nudist beach, which cause some noise nuisance.
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