Nudist beach Meerwijck (Nieuwe naaktstrand)
Nude beach Meerwijck threatened

News regarding the intended closure of the beach.
Below is an overview of the news surrounding the intended closure of nudist beach. The oldest posts are at the bottom.

17-05-2016: Today the combined surfing nudist beach officially opened by Mayor de Jonge van Hoogezand-Sappemeer, with the uncovering as an official act of the new surf nude beach sign. View here the photos and read the NFN press release.

10-05-2016: 17 May 2016 will be the nudist beach officially opened by mayor  the Young of Hoogezand-Sappemeer. Everyone is cordially invited to a to take a look. The activities take place from 14:00 h and at 5 pm the nudist beach is opened. look at here the program.

17-03/09-04/23-04-2016: The nudist beach is still open despite the fact that the signs have been removed. This site visited the nudist beach and took some pictures. It is clear that the surfers leave their mark on the nude surf beach.
The nudist beach could also be seen in the Program of WistJeDat from RTL4.
Look here for some pictures of the old nudist beach.

Also visit the Facebook page of our fellow users: Windsurfing at Meerwijck

22-02-2016: DvnH: Combined surf and nudist beach first for the Netherlands
Hoogezand gets first-time nude/surfing beach

09-11-2015: Surfers have to chase away sex-hungry gays at Meerwijck

09-10-2015: The naturists and surfers come with it proposal to the municipality to open the (new) nudist beach to be used jointly. Due to the area much more open and broadening and increasing social control by under other the joint use of the terrain by the surfers, the nuisance are a thing of the past. The nudist beach was built in the practice is also often used by surfers, because the sheltered location facilitates rigging the surfboard. The municipality will test the plans against the financial feasibility, but it looks like the new nudist beach is preserved.

Crucial to the success of the plans is that elsewhere in the area an opportunity for a gentlemen's meeting place is being furnished. The old nudist beach would be here for good location can be.

18-05-2015: Opinion Council: The nudist beach remains (temporarily) open. Six speakers opened the evening. fervent opponents of the nudist beach owned the camping Meerwijck and the residents' committee Meerwijck.
They outlined the many nuisances on the nudist beach and found that there was no proper separation from the nudist beach. Also became assuming that the sailing route is a few meters before the nudist beach is located, while a long demarcated swimming area in front of it lies. The NFN and nude swimming association NOL-Hoogezand-Sappemeer made a plea for keeping it open Nudist beach. Closure would not solve the nuisance problem. Even without an officially designated nudist beach nudist recreation allowed in suitable locations. Naturists and Textile recreationists also value clarity where exposed may be recreated.

A sex holiday maker also spoke. He asked that sex in public is not punishable, provided the confrontation is not is unwanted. The visitors of the recreation area know, for sure after one (unwanted) confrontation, what happens in the area.

There was little support for it in the city council Commission proposal to close the nudist beach. Alone the Christen Unie supported the proposal, despite the many question marks. The council found that there had been too little consultation with the users of the area. Most parties expect nor that the closure of the nudist beach will solve the problem of the will solve sexual nuisance in the recreation area. Also the financial justification for closing the nudist beach was missing.

The college went naked and confessed that the proposal was prompted by an empty pouch. To solve the problem of the to solve sexual nuisance in the area there is more money necessary. The college was also unable to indicate how many complaints have come in. Because there is no majority for the proposal, the municipality will enter into discussions with the users of the area to find a solution. A little different layout of the area may be necessary. Salient detail was that the windsurfers already count themselves rich with "us" beach.

09-05-2015: Je suis Naturiste, protest against the closing of the nudist beach (part 2, pfd)
Wob-request for closure of Meerwijck nudist beach (pdf)

04-05-2015: According to the municipality, the nudist beach is open and exposed.
Despite the widening of the access paths (only this year), the nudist beach is still  always shielded from the textile beach.

30-05-2015: Municipality of Hoogezand-Sappemeer places the decision to cancel a nudist beach on the site. One bit late, because 2 days ago this site signed a protest based on a newspaper report.

The proposal for the closure of the nudist beach turns 18 May (opinion) discussed in the city council. On June 1, a decision on the proposed cancellation has been made.

28-04-2015: Je suis Naturiste, protest against the closing of the nudist beach (pdf 2.3 Mb).

Due to the sexual nuisance on the nudist beach, the municipality wants to Hoogezand-Sappemeer to close the (new) nudist beach, it says read in the Dagblad van het Noorden.
The municipality has informed the swimming association whether this would encounter objections, but no further contact was sought with this site or the NFN. On the site of the municipality is about the proposed closure no information to be found.

The situation is similar to that at the Delft nudist beach. The Municipality of Delft decided to close the nudist beach here, too because of sexual harassment. After much legal wrangling with 2 lawsuits, the nudist beach eventually remained open. It nudist beach in Delft was barely shielded from textile beach, in contrast to the nudist beach at Meerwijck. With the Delft Blootloopzaak it became clear that nudist recreation is allowed in suitable places. According to the The Hague Court of Appeal are places that are suitable to wear swimwear recreation also suitable for nude recreation.

This site notes that the municipality is doing far too little to keep the nudist beach attractive for naturists. It beach has not been maintained for years; the sandy beach looks more like a bare irregular grassy plain than a inviting sandy beach. (The adjacent textile sandy beach on the other hand, it is well maintained and milled annually and with new sand). Also, the side of the water grows almost closed with reed.

Police checks do not only focus on the sex recreationists, also the naturists are "looked away" by the local (anti-nude) community police officer.

Don't let the naturists fall victim to the advancing sex recreationists and, just like this site, sign protest to the municipality of Hoogezand-Sappemeer.
Furthermore, a call to continue using this nudist beach and report any inconvenience to the police immediately. Also naturists should tolerate a little less.

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