Nudist beach Maasvlakte
Photos of the old nudist beach (Before the construction of Maasvlakte2).
Photos from 2012 (first year of the new nudist beach).

View of the new part of the Maasvlakte with the recreational beaches. Continue from this side to the last parking lot (P1).
The parking lot (P1) at the nudist beach. When it is very busy, parking is also possible in the verge along the road.
The beach entrance to the nudist beach.(Northmost entrance). View
here the sign of the Maasvlakte bathing water location.
info board at the beach entrance.
The beach entrance from the beach side.
The beginning of the nudist beach is indicated by a sign.
The nudist beach on a busy summer day.
In the beginning of 2012, the nudist beach on the north side was closed by a row of containers.
The end of the official nudist beach. After this, the sports beach begins, which is also suitable for nude recreation.
In 2022, the construction of a wind farm on the sports beach will start. The first windmill will be located approximately 200 meters from the nudist beach and will have a tip height of approximately 200 meters.
The textile beach in a southerly direction, at the beginning of a beautiful summer day.
The nudist beach.
In the meantime there is also some dune formation on the beach.
Fishermen on the nudist beach.
The sea.
The sports beach is much less crowded. Here naked and clothed together.
Windscreens on the dune side should hold the sand.
A seal.
A textile enclave near the first entrance to the sports beach.
The beach seen from the first beach entrance at the sports beach.
From this beach entrance a look at the nudist beach in the distance (about 2300 meters).
The beach past the first beach entrance of the sports beach. There is virtually no nude recreation here. Part of the beach has been cordoned off as a breeding area.
Almost at the end of the sandy beach, here the large container ships almost sail over the beach.
The end of the sand stand, this is where the block dam begins.
The snack container in the parking lot about 250 meters from the southern border of the nudist beach.
The special stairs designed by Jan Konings. This is not the entrance to the nudist beach.
The post of the
Rotterdam Rescue Brigade 700 meters from the southern border of the nudist beach.
The exhibition building building
Futureland of the Maasvlakte 2 about 10 km away. Entrance is free.
The Eon power station on the Maasvlakte