Nudist beach Lauwersmeer
Last visited 01-08-2009
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For years the area around the Lauwersmeer area has been on a limited scale
nude recreation place. Unfortunately, there is none yet
official area designated for nude recreation.
In the
Leeuwarder Courant from 7/12/2008 is with an article about it
Lauwersmeer area posted a map with the
location of a tiny nudist beach.
This location is on the south side of the Nieuwe Robbengat, nearby
Landal Natuurdorp Suyderoogh (not naturist).
In later contact with the Lauwersmeer National Park, is
showed that an incorrect card was placed with the article.
There have been plans for a naturist beach, but
these have been rejected by the municipality of Marne. The municipality of Marne
has prohibited nude recreation at this location.
At the intended location it is nice weather, fairly busy with
walkers, so this location
not on busy days
is suitable for nude recreation. If the area is redone
furnished and also marked with signs, this is still possible
become a great location for nude recreation.
The nudist beach consists only of a lawn, there is none
sandy beach. There are none on the nudist beach
facilities present.
The bathing water is approximately 50 cm deep right at the start. The
the first part has a gradually sloping bottom. The
area where it becomes deep faster is indicated by a number
sticks. Directly along the side, so are stones on the bottom
step into the water carefully.
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