Nudist beach Laakse Strand
Last visited 18-06-2022
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free parking at 1300 m / 1300 m | | suitable for the disabled |
| water quality measuring point on the beach | |
| honden op beperkt gedeelte toegestaan, | |

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07-06-2021 Sinds 1 maart 2021 is De Wielewaal overgenomen en heet nu Landgoed Energy Up. De nieuwe eigenaar stelt de (betaalde) parkeerplaats niet meer beschikbaar voor de bezoekers van Laakse Strand. Ook parkeren voor de slagbomen is verboden.
Op termijn zal Staatsbosbeheer hier een nieuwe parkeerplaats aanleggen, maar zonder overpad over de camping, of zonder een pad om de camping heen, hebben de bezoekers van het naaktstrandje hier waarschijnlijk niet veel aan.
Bij de Rassenbeekweg of op het toeristisch overstappunt Eemhof (TOP Eemhof) kan wel worden geparkeerd (zie
The Laakse beach is located on the Nijkerkernauw to the west of Zeewolde, on the edge of the Hulkesteinse Bos. In this 900 hectareslarge forest lie two recreation parks; for the dressed holiday maker
Center Parcs De Eemhof and for the nudist
Flevo Natuur, one of the largest public naturist campsites in Europe.
Laakse beach consists of two separately located beaches. Northeast of the Energy Up Estate (formerly the Wielewaal) towards theNijkerkerbrug is the textile beach and on the southwest side isthe nudist beach. Both beaches are separated bya green strip of approximately 800 meters. Previously was possible at the campsitede Wielewaal (paid) can be parked, but with the transfer to the new owner, this possibility has lapsed, so that parking is now only possible at a great distance from the nudist beach. For the right location andthe parking options look at the
route page.
At the end of 2020, the municipality has designated the Laakse Strand as a
only place in the municipality of Zeewolde that is suitable forunclothed public recreation:
- To designate the Laaksestrand as the only place in themunicipality of Zeewolde that is suitable for undressed publicrecreation.
- Nude recreation in the rest of the municipality of Zeewolde, withincluding forests open to the public andnatural areas, to be declared unsuitable.
The judge has in the NFN
filed lawsuit ruled that the municipality has gone way beyond its bounds and only has the authority to designate areas suitable for nudist recreation (Art. 430a Sr). The designation of the nudist beach must be changed by the court to:
" Designating the Laaksestrand as a place in the municipalityZeewolde which is suitable for undressed public recreation"
Because this
site is (wrongly) not considered an interested party considered, the designation that is too broad, including the textile beach at the Energy Up Estate, has been maintained. Even after repeated insistence, the municipality of Zeewolde finds no adjustment necessary, because it is of the opinion that only the nudist beach (red) is designated as suitable for naked public recreation. In addition to the nudist beach described here, the rest of the Laakse Strand (green line, total 4500 metres) has also been designated as suitable for naked public recreation.
The elongated nudist beach is about 5 hectares in size and consists mainly of sunbathing areas along an unpaved footpath.The nudist beach is shielded from the underlying cycle path by bushes. Dogs are allowed in the central area. On the water side are a number of small sandy beaches. There are no facilities on the nudist beach.
The bathing water has a very gradual sloping bottom and does not get deep quickly.
It does not have a defined swimming area. Due to the reduction of the official swimming location to a strip of approximately 300 on thenortheast side (towards the Nijkerkerbrug) the beach is no longer maintained here. There has not yet been any evidence of improved maintenance of the shortened swimming location, one of the conditions for the reduction in size.
Het naaktstrandje heeft een eigen officiële zwemwaterlocatie: Laakse Strand Naaktstrand. Voor uitgebreide informatie over deze zwemwaterlocatie, kijk op de site van
Het zwemseizoen is momenteel gesloten, vanaf 1 mei wordt de zwemwaterkwaliteit weer gecontroleerd.
More about this nudist beach
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