Nudist beach Meertje van Laagduurswoude
tolerated nudist beach
Last visited 30-07-2020
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| bicycle storage on the beach | not suitable for the disabled |
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About 5 km west of Oosterwolde is the lake of Laagduurswoude. The lake was dug in 1971 and 1972 to raise agricultural plots in the area. The lake, owned by Staatsbosbeheer, is located in a forest of approximately 25 hectares.
The northeast side of the lake is used by textile holidaymakers.
Nudity has been recreated on the southern side for about 30 years.
A few years ago the police acted against this. The current state is that nude recreation is once again tolerated here. The area is not equipped for beach recreation. There is a path along the lake that can be recreated in a number of small places on the water. These places are maintained by the regular visitors. The path on the south and west side is also used as a lawn.
There are no facilities on the nudist beach.
The bathing water is accessible at a number of open places. The swimming water is very clear, there are some plant remains on the bank. The bottom runs quickly where the water is not suitable for untrained swimmers. A defined area is missing. There used to be an official swimming place here on the lake, but it was discontinued in 2010, so that the water quality is no longer checked here.
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