Nudist beach Groene Ster
The recreation area Green Star.
Free parking on P4.
Over the new bridge, turn right.
The new (shortest) dam on the east side. Behind the earthen wall is the beach.
View of the beach from the viewing hill.
Almost on the beach.
Almost the entire beach in one picture.
When the weather is nice, the ice cream man visits regularly.
The nudist beach on the west side.
There are also shady areas. These trees come from the old beach.
The nudist beach with a sandy beach on the water.
The nude beach.
The sandy beach on the water.
In the past, the water was directly connected to the official bathing water location "Lytse Wielen". Due to the construction of a special bathing water compartment, it is now separated, so that there is less insight into the water quality.
In the autumn of 2018, the last bushes were removed. A few freestanding trees remain, which provide the necessary shade on hot days.
The western lawn.
The front lawn.
The beach section on the west side (Leeuwarden side) has become slightly less visible from the cycle path after the extension of the earthen wall (2018).
The nudist beach is marked with bilblêds (concrete pouf). In 2018, the earthen wall was slightly extended and three trees were planted to reduce the view from the cycle path.
In the spring, the back of the earthen wall is beautifully overgrown with rapeseed and cow parsley.
The new dam is located on the west side. This is the main route for the Leeuwarders to the beach. On this side there is also (limited) parking in the verge.
Parking on the road. There may be a parking ban here during festivals.
Over the new dam to the nudist beach.
During the Psy-Fi festival (mid-August to early September), almost the entire Green Star is closed. The nudist beach is open and only accessible from the west side. In the past (see photo) the barrier was located on the nudist beach, but nowadays the fences are only placed on the east side of the nudist beach.
On New Year's Day at 2:00 PM, the annual New Year's reception will take place here, with a New Year's dive. In 2016, no fewer than 14 divers took part in the dive.
The kiosk and toilet facility, about 700 meters from the nudist beach.