Nudist beach Gaasperplas
broaden the period of nude recreation
Letter (part) dated 10 September 2011 Groengebied Amstelland
(Reply at the request of naturist holidaymakers Gaasperplas to widen the period of nude recreation)
Extending the nude recreation period to 1 April to 15 October.
As you know, the regulations concerning nude recreation are not easily and unambiguously laid down. In April 2004, the board of Groengebied Amstelland on the north side of the Gaasperplas designated a location that, under certain conditions, is in the opinion of the board suitable for undressed recreation. One of those conditions relates to opening in the period from 1 May to 1 October of the year.
In general (Legal), it is up to the supervisors to assess whether a location is suitable for undressed recreation. (art. 430a Criminal Code). Designating a location as suitable can no longer be a discussion about this. In my opinion, the stated "opening up" is therefore not linked to a time but to the suitability of the location. Therefore, if there is nudist recreation outside the stipulated period, then there is no longer a designated place, but a suitable location and, in my opinion, nude recreation at this designated location is permitted throughout the year. Regarding the designated location, the supervisors therefore have no assignment to inspect outside the stated period on the basis of Article 430a. WvSr.
It must be clear that if, in the opinion of the supervisor, there is "offensive and / or disruptive behavior" at or outside the designated location, verbal statements can be made at any time.